Science news and articles on pulse research

Can you help? / Pulse Value Chain Mapping in Africa

MSU’s Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research is leading a study to map out value chains for key legumes in West and Southern Africa.

Global Pulse Confederation

Global Pulse Confederation (GPC)


Can you help? / Pulse Value Chain Mapping in Africa

Can you help? MSU’s Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research is leading a study to map out value chains for key legumes in West and Southern Africa. Looking at 10 countries in these regions, the study will seek to understand how cowpea, common bean and pigeon pea flow through the value chain and who are the key actors involved. We are seeking to develop these value chain maps in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Zambia. If you are willing to help by sharing your insights and knowledge, please fill in this survey (in English or in French)!. It should not take long and it will help inform future innovations to develop and strengthen value chains for these key crops.

Can you help? / Pulse Value Chain Mapping in Africa
Can you help? / Pulse Value Chain Mapping in Africa
Can you help? / Pulse Value Chain Mapping in Africa
MSU / Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research / West Africa / Southern Africa / Benin / Burkina Faso / Ghana / Malawi / Mali / Mozambique / Niger / Nigeria / Senegal / Zambia
Global Pulse Confederation

Global Pulse Confederation (GPC)


Disclaimer: The opinions or views expressed in this publication are those of the authors or quoted persons. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Global Pulse Confederation or its members.

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