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Weather update on pulse producing regions/
Weekly report

At a glance


India – Pulse producing states in surplus; good soil moisture for Uttar Pradesh’s urad

IPGA – June 1-July 24 Rainfall in Pulse Producing States

  • The Economic Times published a report this week showing rainfall deficits between June and July ranging between 20-49% over nine different states. Jharkhand has the highest deficit at 49% 
  • Many pulse-producing states have in fact registered surplus rainfall for the period between June 1-July 22 – both Karnataka and Telangana registered a 26% and 36% surplus respectively, according to a July 25 India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA) report
  • "Moderate to heavy rains" are predicted over the next 24 hours, covering the regions of east Rajasthan and southern Gujarat. Light-moderate rains with "isolated heavy spells" may occur over Chhattisgarh, Madya Maharashtra, Madya Pradesh, and some areas of coastal Karnataka and Telangana
  • Of the eleven areas producing black matpe in Uttar Pradesh, only two areas are deemed deficient in rainfall based on the period between June 1-July 24. Seven areas are deemed normal, one in excess, and one in large excess

USA – North Dakotan beans "take off" in heat; Michigan crops ahead of schedule 

  • Speaking to the Dry Bean Scene podcast on July 22, Dean Nelson of Kelley Bean said that North Dakota dry beans “hadn’t seen a lot of growth” due to the cooler weather in June, but that they have "seen the crop take off" as a result of the warmer temperatures over the last two weeks. Nelson expects harvest to begin in the first week of September
  • Brownfield Ag News reports that warmer weather in Michigan has pushed crop development ahead and advanced pressure from disease. Michigan State University field crops expert, Nicolle Ritche, told Brownfield that crop pests have "come out at least a week ahead of time, almost two in some cases"


Australia – Cold fronts bring rain to cropping zones; Queensland/NSW chickpea soil moisture in good shape

Australia Bureau of Meteorology – Rainfall for July 25-Aug1

  • Cold fronts brought rain to cropping zones in southern Australia this week – between 5-25 mm in South Australia (SA), southern Victoria and the south-east of New South Wales (NSW), according to the July 25 weekly Australian Climate, Water and Agricultural Update
  • A July 24 article in Grain Central says that the chickpea crop in Queensland and northern New South Wales has benefited from recent rains. It is currently sitting on "plenty of subsoil moisture" – a positive sign for yield prospects
  • Rainfall in the Australian cropping zones is forecast between 5-10 mm for parts of Queensland, Victoria, and SA over the coming days. NSW is forecast slightly more rain – between 5-25 mm

Canada – Rain is coming to the Prairie States; high temperatures set to cool

  • Canadian Cattlemen predicts "much-needed rains" will come to central and northern Alberta, northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba over the next few days. These rain should also see an end to the recent heatwave threats to peas and lentils across the prairies
  • Manitoba’s Weekly Crop Report show that field peas in the central and eastern regions of the state "were faring poorly due to excess moisture” during the week ending July 21
  • Hailstorms between June 30 and July 7 in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba may have caused "mild to severe" damage to pulse crops in the three prairie states. Saskatchewan’s peas, Manitoba’s edible beans and field peas, and Alberta’s beans, chickpeas, and peas are all deemed to have been damaged to some degree

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