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Russian kabuli production rises 135% since 2020/
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The combination of high prices and strong demand for kabulis has proved an enticing prospect for Russian farmers over recent years. 2023 was a bumper year for Russian kabulis and 2024 could see more expansion of acres, especially if India opens up to imports. The Indian government has
recently suspended tariffs on imports of Desi chickpeas, acknowledging the need for greater stocks – kabuli chickpeas may become an import necessity if desi stocks remain uncertain.

Go to the Pulse Atlas: Russian kabuli page.

The Pulse Atlas: Russian kabulis 

  • Russian production accounted for 528,000 MT of the global total in 2023, rising from 315,000 MT in 2022 – a 68% jump.
  • 2023's production was 66% above the previous five year (2018-2022) average of 319,000 MT
  • The last strongest year for Russian kabuli production was in 2018 at 400,000 MT


Insider insights

Navneet Chhabra, CEO of Global Garbanzo

  • "Russian kabuli chickpeas were typically sold between 30-40 rubles per kilogram, whereas now farmers are getting between 50-60 rubles per kilogram. With strong currency exchanges, farmers have been getting great returns over the last 2-3 years – this, combined with lower availability of chickpeas globally has led to a rise in Russian acreage."
  • "Over the last 2-3 years, Russia has had very little carry out as they have sold out every year. This is another reason why they are increasing production. Between 200,000 MT-250,000 MT goes into the Pakistan market in a crop year. Approximately 100,000 MT goes to Turkey, where it is distributed elsewhere – mainly to Iraq. Jordan and the UAE are also big markets."
  • "The Indian government has removed the 66% tariff on Desi chickpeas, which serves as a message to Australia, to expand Desi production where possible. Now there is a strong rumor that the government will also allow the import of kabuli chickpeas from Russia this year to be used as a substitute for Desi chickpeas. If this rumor comes true, the message will reach Russian farmers and I could see Russian production reaching 700,000 MT minimum in 2024. As a country, they have the potential to reach a production of 1 million MT."

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